At Karuizawa Prince Hotel, parking will be charged at the following facilities.
・ The Prince Karuizawa
・ The Prince Villa Karuizawa
・ Karuizawa Prince Hotel East
・ Karuizawa Prince Hotel West
・ Forrestana Karuizawa
Guests: ¥1,000 per car per night (available until 10:00 P.M. on the day of departure)
・Users using the hotel facilities: 60 minutes ¥ 400
・ ¥ 2 hours free for use over ¥ 2,000
・ ¥ 3 hours free for use over ¥ 5,000
・ ¥ 6 hours use over ¥ 10,000 Free
・ For weddings and banquet guests: Free up to 6 hours
Guests must bring a parking ticket to the front desk at check-in.
At the front desk, we will process the pass card issuance that can be used any number of times during the stay (up to 10:00 P.M. On the departure date).
Customers attending weddings and banquets will be discounted at the hotel, so please do not forget your parking ticket.
Please reimburse at the parking lot exit.
There are also pre-set machines in the building (The Prince Karuizawa, Karuizawa Prince Hotel East, Karuizawa Prince Hotel West).