How to best enjoy the hot spring

Please enjoy a better hot spring experience by confirming bathing practices that minimize burden on your body.

1Pre-bathing preparations

Entering hot water with a cold body is very dangerous because blood pressure rises rapidly.
Pour hot water on yourself before entering a bathtub. This prepares your body for the soaking.

Gradually wet your body from toes to thighs, and from fingertips to arms and shoulders

2When starting to soak

Suddenly immersing the whole body in hot water will cause strong water pressure and strain on the heart. The general guideline is to slowly enter from your feet, and then gradually submerge yourself once half of your body starts warming up. (This, however, does not apply during the winter in Manza, which gets very cold).

Slowly enter from your feet, then submerge your bottom half, and then soak all the way to your shoulders

3How to soak

Too much soaking can cause blood pressure and heart rate to rise too high. Pace yourself by getting out of the bathtub and resting outside. We recommend soaking until your forehead is slightly sweaty.

The key is to slowly soak yourself while taking breaks and pacing yourself

4Post-bathing care

Try not to wash off the hot spring components as much as possible. (Those with weak skin should wash the components off after soaking in an acidic spring, etc.). After bathing, hydrate yourself and rest for at least 30 minutes.

They key is to avoid a shower after bathing, hydrate yourself, and leisurely rest

For those who need to be careful when bathing

You must sufficiently rest before bathing.

After arriving to the hotel: Rest about an hour before bathing.
After eating: Avoid bathing for 30 minutes to an hour after eating.
After drinking alcohol: Strictly prohibited. Alcoholic beverages can increase blood circulation and cause uncontrolled blood pressure function, leading to serious accidents.It is safer to wait about 2 hours before bathing.

For those for whom bathing is unsafe

Those with any of the following conditions must not bathe because it is extremely dangerous to do so.

Diseases in progress (e.g., acute illness (especially with fever), malignant tumor, active tuberculosis, severe heart disease, respiratory failure, renal failure, hemorrhagic disease, severe anemia)

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Touji (hot spring cure) refers to the practice of enhancing the natural healing power of human beings through the effects of hot springs.

Touji (hot spring cure) refers to the practice of enhancing the natural healing power of human beings through the effects of hot springs. In this practice, patients stay in a hot spring resort for an extended period of time (at least a week or more) in order to cure a specific disease. Based on the original meaning of this term, it should be differentiated from a hot springs trip that people take as a day trip or over several nights to recover from fatigue or sightsee. To practice hot spring cure, ensure thorough pre-planning by sufficiently consulting your attending physician, clarifying your objectives and desired health effects, and understanding all the requirements such as how to bathe properly and maintain your physical condition. Never practice hot spring cure based on a layperson's judgment. Due to the various health effects it offers, Manza Onsen has been used as a place to practice hot spring cure by many people throughout history. There are also anecdotes of people curing many intractable diseases.

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