
restaurant library the hotel seiryu

Feel the essence of Kyoto through meals that highlight local ingredients.
The breakfast menu begins with an appetizer once the guest is seated, followed by a choice of American or Japanese breakfast with their preferred main dish.
*Please note that there have been some changes made to the way food is served at the restaurant as part of our COVID-19 safety precautions.

restaurant library the hotel seiryu
restaurant library the hotel seiryu
restaurant library the hotel seiryu
restaurant library the hotel seiryu
restaurant library the hotel seiryu
restaurant library the hotel seiryu
restaurant library the hotel seiryu
restaurant library the hotel seiryu
restaurant library the hotel seiryu
restaurant library the hotel seiryu
restaurant library the hotel seiryu

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Budget : Breakfast

Hotel 2F

7:00 A.M.- 10:30 A.M.(L.O.10:00A.M.)

【Restriction for Children under 6 years old (0-5)】
Guest lounge,restaurant library the hotel seiryu( Breakfast venue),
children under 6 are not allowed to enter at any time.In-room dining
can be arranged if you would like to have a breakfast with children under 6.